White Mountain Tops, Green Hill Tops, and Ocean View
What little rain has fallen so far during our "rainy" season has repainted the landscape green. Plants I've never seen before are popping on every trail side. Far away, snow on mountain tops almost glows in the noon hour. On my hike today, with the winter sun low enough in the sky, it was possible to see the Pacific Ocean (a rare event) and the hills of Catalina Island. The ocean shone like a silver sheet and the tankers heading in and out of the port of Long Beach looked like little dashes.
Thanks to all of you who have expressed concerns about my "delayed" suitcases. A few days ago, I made a special trip to LAX to snatch them off the luggage belt the minute they slid down! Now, I've got some serious reading to do!!
When I lived in RPV, I had a view of Catalina most days and I loved to watch all the tankers and huge sailboats. Moving there from the Midwest, the view was almost surreal.
Welcome back!
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