Mac McCool - Children's Book Illustrations and Graphic Novels

Friday, September 28, 2007

Off to the L.A. Writer's Conference

A long weekend of meeting writers, agents, publishers, and entertainment industry pros awaits me! I'm heading to the 5th Annual Los Angeles Writer's Conference. I'm planning on keeping a close eye on what this guy has to say about writing graphic novels!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Pensive Beard & Pointy Chin

Ever noticed how pulling and twirling beards make men look thoughtful? Maybe there's a facial hair connection to the synapses! What d'you think?

Monday, September 24, 2007

One Book Out, One 1st Draft Done, and One Manuscript Scrambled...

Quick news from some fun folks from the children's book publishing world: David Ezra Stein tells me his Monster Hug picture book is out (third book this year! Boy!). Wendelin Van Draanen just finished the first draft of the 12th volume of Sammy Keyes, tentatively titled Sammy Keyes and the Cold, Hard Cash (sounds fittingly dramatic for a mystery book!). And poor Lisa Yee has suffered an attack of the software-that-just-won't-cooperate, and her latest manuscript is one long word (no joke). Go drop her a "cheers, thinking of you note." It won't bring her manuscript back, but it'll stomp out some of Lisa's shock...

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Five Graphic Novel Formalists Discuss their Passion and Struggles

Mary Peterson brought back to my attention an interactive feature of five comic artists discussing their views of the visual language of graphic novels. All five (art spiegelman, Chris Ware, Seth, Chester Brown, and Joe Sacco) push the formal limits of comic art, while remaining effective storytellers. Seth's commentary about design and poetry rang particularly true, as well as Chris Ware's honest sharing of the challenges of the medium. (Note: when you go to the link, click on "High" bandwidth next -- the "Low" bandwidth option does not seem to work). Thanks Mary!

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Long List of Comics Writing Links

Too useful to pass: Caleb Monroe has compiled a generous list of links to online articles about writing comics. Thanks for that fine resource, Caleb!

Monday, September 03, 2007

Imagine All That Happened In This Skin...

This is what I came upon during my last hike! A remnant of days gone by, a ghost of the past -- a ghost I prefer to the live beast, mind you! (In case you can't tell, the previous owner of this skin is a rattle snake!).