The "Writing Graphic Novels" SCBWI Presentation is Good-To-Go!
My presentation on "Writing Graphic Novels" for the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators summer conference is ready! During my two workshops at the past winter conference in New York, I had so many questions about writing graphic novels that it proved that many writers don't quite know where to start. So this presentation won't disappoint! It's PACKED with information. After an overview of the industry and the role of writers in it, we'll zip right into the heart of the matter: what's specific to writing good graphic novels? From dialogues and voices to economy of style, from speech balloons to voice-over boxes, from word sounds to timing speech for drama, from the relationship of text and images to "silent" comics, and tons more! In the end, we'll look into manuscript formats and submissions, as well as tips for collaborating with artists. With so much info, I am creating handouts for my attendees so they can focus on the presentation rather than on beating records of speed-note-taking! It's happening this Sunday August 5th, at 10:45am in Los Angeles. Register here!